Saturday, February 11, 2012

Religion and Religious Tradition

It is the oldest religion in the world. It has no founder. It is believed that Hinduism originated from the preaching of sages and ascetics. Hindu religion is also known as Santan Dharma or Vedic Religion. The four Vedas Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda, are the holy books of Hindusim. Besides, Upanished, Purans, Ramayana and Mahabharat are also sacred books of the Hindus. Patience, forgiveness, self-control, purity, control over senses, wisdom, knowledge, truthfulness, not to commit theft and control over anger are the ten sailent features of Hinduism.
Siddhartha Gautam, son of king Sudhodhan and Queen Mayadevi, was born in Nepal in 563 B.C. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautham who was renamed as Gautam Buddha. His childhood, being a prince, was full of luxury. One day he left the place in search of solution to the pain and suffering in life. He meditated under a tree called “Bodhi” in India. He got ‘Enlightenment’ and found four noble truths. They were a) there is misery b) there is cause of misery c) there is cessation of misery d) there is the path leading to the cessation of misery. He found ways to remove the pain and suffering from life by following the eight fold path. They are
v  Right view
v  Right determination
v  Right speech
v  Right conduct
v  Right livelihood
v  Right effort
v  Right mindfulness
v  Right meditation
Tripataka and Jataka are the holy books of Buddism.

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