Saturday, February 11, 2012

Madam Curie

Madam Curie was born on 7th November, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Her parents were teachers. Her real name was Maria Sklodowaska. She was sharp and intelligent in her childhood. She was brought up in educated environment. Her childhood was not appy as her father lost his job when she was six and mother died when she was 11. At the age of 16. She passed her high school with gold medal despite hardships.
Girls were not allowed higher education at that time. She was talented and her relatives knew that if she got chance, she could do better in higher education. But they were unable to afford it. So , she became teacher.
She was interested in science. So, she went to paris and studied physics. Her sister helped her. In 1893 AD, she graduated in science from Sorbonne University. Later she got scholarship from the Polish government to study mathematics.
She was married to Professor Perry Curie in 1895AD. Both of them stared working together. Madam Curie was an assistant to professor Wikwral and Perry Curie. They together discovered radio waves. After bringing 10000kg Uranium from Bohemia, with the help of her husband, she started working and continuous experiment on Uranium. In 1898 AD, she discovered radium. For this great achievement, the three were conferred Nobel Prize Jointly.
Perry Curie died in 1906 but Madam Curie continued her research. She alone won the Nobel Prize in 1911 AD for chemistry. She started “Curie Institute of Radium” in 1914AD in the memory of her husband. She also established Radium Institute in her birth place, Warsaw.
She died of cancer on July 4, 1934 AD in France. By her hard work she proved that women are capable of doing great work if they are given opportunity. She taught us that the main source of success is hard work and continuous struggle. Today , her discovery, radium, is used for the treatment of cancer.

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