Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kiranth Yakkha the different cast

Kiranth Yakkha is different cast in Nepal. This cast having more then 45 other sub cast. this cast having their won mother language it's call Yakkha language. Normally this cast people look have Mongolian face. so many other people they think Yakkha are Rai, Limbu, or some other , but Yakkha are not same or it's not the same with other. they have their won traditional, tipical their won language, dress up, food preparation this all for they have their won style.
Yakkha people specially located in east part of Nepal in Sankhuwa Sabha district.Mainly in hilly side not so cold and not so hot. they like to stay in normal weather. so this place start from border of Dhankuta Dirstict. to south part of Sankhuwa Sabha district. and some other district Ilam. Dhankuta. Pachthar. and east part of India like Sikkim and Darjeeling.
the main land of Yakkha is called DAS MAGHIYA AND PANCH MAGHIYA (it's mean 10 Yakkha village and 5 Yakkha village) in Sankhuwa Sabha. They belive that long long time ago they are migrate from different part. Kiranth are indigenous ethnic groups of the Himalayas (mid-hills) extending eastward from Nepal into India, Burmaand beyond. They migrated to their present locations via Assam, Burma, Tibet and Yunnan in ancient times. Prototype Tibeto-Burmans originated in theYellow River basin around 10,000 years ago.

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